
Sunday, September 11, 2011


Hello Darlings, its a lazy Sunday afternoon & I was hankering my hubby to take me to the malls...He said "Sweetheart you've already shopped so much on the holiday".

So I made my cutest puppy dog face & said "But I didn't buy any makeup on my birthday, I wanna go to Inglot & MAC!"

Hubby said Ok we'll see in the evening...Awww  with my shopping plans heading downhill I decided it was time for some self pampering. So i scrubbed my face & slathered on some yummy Honey Face Pack from Beauty Buffet (review coming up soon) and flip through some girly magazines.

In walked my Dear Hubby & said "Can I also apply some scrub & pack?!"

Me-Huh I said "why do you want to put on face pack?"

Dear Hubby-"Well my skin's got so badly tanned"

Me-"Hmm but why should I share my beauty potions, when was the last time you got me any beauty goodie?"

Dear Hubby- "Well I did buy you some lipsticks"

Me- "Which ones ?"

Dear Hubby - "Well I don't remember which one but I bought you some from Inglot, also didn't I buy you some stuff from Body Shop"

Me-thinking to myself- Damn that one didn't work, he remembers all my makeup purchases, Ok so I gotta think of a way around this one & quick!

Me-" Ok so I'll let you use my Honey mask, but what do iI get in return"

Dear Hubby- "Ok I'll take you to Select City Walk at 4 pm, you can shop for makeup"

Yay Yippe Yay I did a nice little pirouette &  a High 5 later, sweetly offered to share my face pack.
What a happy turn of events, I finally managed to get some beauty goodies sponsored by Dear Hubby!.

Liz Hurley just spilled the beans on boyfriend Shane's beauty regime secrets including – his love for female toiletries: “He has his own set now. He uses the girls’ ones – they’re much better.”
She also said "“Every guy I’ve ever known has used my beauty products.”

Seems like I'm not the only one dealing with a man intent on personal grooming!! ;)

So tell me have the men in your life ever shared your toiletries?Are their any particular items the guys seem to sneakily use? Shower Gel / Moisturizer /Lip balm ?
Do leave a comment behind :)


  1. Please let me know if you received my mail. Or else I'll re-mail it.

  2. same here my guy remembers all my purchases lolz and i loveeee to put on him facial masks, nose packs, and everything even lotion ahaha!

  3. Poohkie-Got your mail dear, Have replied please check

  4. aMz88-Seriously what's with the men, they seem to be keeping tab on our beauty buys?! LOL seriously its so much fun to pile my man with all these potions, love to see his bemused reactions :D
