
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Comeback Post & What have I been up to these past few weeks?!

'Comeback'  was a word I only associated with aging movie stars hopelessly trying to get their groove back.I never quite imagined that I'd be writing a 'Comeback Post' I guess I had underestimated inertia & Newton's first law of motion.

I have spent quite a few hours these past few days staring blankly at my computer screen willing myself to write, but writer's block coupled with tons of very important things going on in my life had forced me to let blogging take a back seat for a while.

I've received tons of mails, comments from readers,fellow bloggers and PR reps asking me-'Where have you been?' 'Why are you not blogging?' 'When will you start posting?'

So I thought while we are on the comeback post, I'll share with all of you what have I been up to...
I hope some of my experiences will give a bit of motivation and inspiration to other women out there take professional risks and grab good career opportunities when they come their way.

Few months back I got an exciting career opportunity within my company, based out of the Head Office in Mumbai.The role had a much wider canvas and many learning opportunities.
I was very excited about this new role and my Hubby understood and shared my passion and decided to support my move.Contrary to everybody's expectation & common wisdom, I said YES! to the new role in a new location.
(Lesson learned- Take calculated risks & grab the opportunity)

Usually many challenging roles & exciting career opportunity pass women by because the common wisdom assumes that the married women do not take transfers for career / married women only shift cities when their husbands get transferred.
(Lesson Learned- Don't get bogged down by common wisdom, be brave enough to carve your own  rules)

My ever supporting Hubby decided to shift along with me.As luck would have it, my transfer date came through 2 months before my hubby's transfer.The entire responsibility of house hunting and setting up housekeeping in my Hubby's absence came on my shoulders.
(Lesson learned- Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans, keep a Plan B handy)

I wouldn't kid you, dealing with a flurry of brokers by myself during house hunting, visiting umpteen number of matchbox sized crumbling, ill-maintained apartments... I was totally exasperated & demotivated.
I seriously wondered if I did a blunder leaving my cushy life behind, where my Hubby and my family pampered me silly and we had a nice well settled home.

(Lesson Learned- Don't lose heart easily, stay focused)

The house hunting spiel went on for good 2-3 weeks,during this time I stayed in Hotel & lived out of suitcases for over 3 weeks and eating out everyday. In the meantime I had to take charge of my new role and also juggle house hunting while dealing with loneliness in a new city.

There were days when I felt very downcast.....Some things which affected me very deeply and caused a lot of emotional strife during this time were two very barbaric incidents-the brutality Delhi rape victim had to go through :( I lived in Delhi for 9 years and the persistent fear and insecurity about personal safety bothered me deeply on a persistent basis,in the end the lack of safety was one of the reason behind my shifting...

The second horrifying incident was the heinous crimes against our two soldiers at LOC....I understand, these things seem like they can never happen to us / happen in another Universe far removed from our lives....I felt the pain acutely 'coz my younger brother is in the Army and on field posting, hence the barbarism of the crimes hit a very raw emotional  nerve and left me with many sleepless nights :(

I prayed a lot during this time & it helped me clear up my mind & sail through some of the tougher times alone..
(Lesson Learned- Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one )

Finally after visiting gazillion apartments,the house hunt yielded result, I ended up falling in love with a brand new un-finished apartment in a happening neighborhood.
The tricky bit was it was a raw house & the apartment didn't have any fittings or fixtures.With my Hubby still in Delhi & the Landlord staying outstation the entire onus of liaising with the Electricians, plumbers, carpenters,house painters,going to hardware stores etc came on Yours Truly.
In good old Can do- will do spirit I soldiered on and managed to spend 3 weekends getting everything set up, getting all the woodwork,electrical and plumbing work and getting utilities set up.
Lesson Learned- If you set your mind to it and decide to do something, painting your nails and getting a house painted aren't quite as different after all ;)

Short story shorter,My move was challenging  yet incredibly exciting, 2013 has started on a very positive note for us with a lot of long over due things dovetailing beautifully.My beloved Hubby will be joining me next week in Mumbai :D
This was a move was filled with a lot of bravado,optimism, astute planning and faultless execution.The generosity of friends, kindness of strangers and unflinching love and support of my family kept me going at all times.

I'm still managing a 14 hour workday, house cleaning,laundry, cooking,traveling all by myself and hope my schedule will ease up slightly in the days to come & I will find more time to blog

I've tons of products awaiting reviews and lots of contests that are yet to be closed. Stay with me and I promise loads of exciting posts are coming up soon :)

Your friendly Comeback Diva


  1. Its good to have you back..I did write to you hoping everything was my ans here :)
    I so can relate to your situation as I have been in similar one recently..but in my case I was emptying the house entirely by my own along with furniture etc and that too is a big trouble..setting the home does take some time..dont worry the time will pass

  2. hey, nice to have you back.. I kept on re-visiting and wondering why no action on IBC.. its very motivating when you see girls pursuing there dreams and family supports them.. And for sure when you decide for something so nothing is impossible. :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. You don't.know this but this particular post of yours is.coming at a very significant time.for me for:-) congrats on the house (cos i know.finding a house in Mumbai is nothing short of a miracle) and welcome.back :-D see you here morning often!

  5. It's always good to see you blogging Pooja. This post is indeed motivating. But I would say your hubby is actually the one who helped you stand against the common wisdom. See, if he had also joined that bandwagon, things would have been more difficult. So, this time I would really say your hubby is indeed one of the rarest understanding gentlemen that every woman needs :)

  6. Living out of suitcase is a big pain! I have been looking for a flat too:)

  7. It's great that you are settled in Mumbai now..moving to a different city can be a big hassle..

    Blush and the Blog

  8. A very motivating post..appreciate your will power !

  9. you're a strong girl:) welcome back :)

  10. welcome back dear!! and u seriously are very inspiring!! Stay blessed <3

  11. "Your friendly Comeback Diva" *Shyly* Welcome back! :* I don't know why, no, actually I do, I relate to more than 50% of the things you talked about here! So happy for you! Mwah!

  12. Yay! good to have u back!! and Kudos to u!! and hubby for being soo supportive! hope u settle in fast.

  13. I'm so happy to see you back Pooja and i can totally relate to all of what happened to you...those two incidents jolted my soul too and for pretty much the same reasons...keep in touch..
