
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Shave or Crave! Guys its time to polish up for us Girls

Guys guess what went out with the stone ages?
That Neanderthal look! 
Unless you are planning to drag your woman by her hair in your pre-historic cave,Guys that evening stubble is so not cool!!

The stubble's hotness to pain ratio is pretty steep, the only guy who gets away with a stubble in my books is Hugh Jackman, so unless you look like Wolverine, seriously there is no excuse for the peach fuzz. C'mon guys polish up your looks. A quick shave wont take you more than 2 minutes but will earn you some serious brownie points from your woman.

My tips to get your Girl to crave for you
  • Shave everyday
  • Splash on some cologne and 
  • Bring her some flowers 
I'd get my guy to crave to shave by giving him a close shave myself ;)

So Girls is it time for us to take matters in our own hands?
Comment & Tell


  1. Hey, glad to have you back online Pooja. Hope ur all settled in mumbai now :)

  2. Hey u started posting!!! Yippeee. So, all settled in Mumbai???
