
Sunday, July 29, 2012

IBC Sunday Food Fiesta- How to make Banoffee pie at home

 Hello my hasty puddings-Its a lazy Sunday & I'm starting a new Feature at IBC it's called Sunday Food Fiesta. 
Every Sunday I'll share a fun and easy recipe with all of you.No darlings fear not IBC is not turning into a food blog, but just when you need to convince your Dear Hubby why exactly you need, to have to,just gotta grab that zillionth eyeshadow or that new MAC lipstick from yet another Limited Edition collection, let's just say yummy food comes in handy :D

So today I'm sharing a recipe for one of my all time favorite dessert called Banoffee Pie-If you are wondering about the name. Well  just imagine soft sticky toffee crumbly pastry base and whipped cream with a hint of banana and a sprinkling of chocolates. Yes stuff the dreams are made off.

Prep time- 2-3 hours
Cooking time 25 mins
Freezing time- 2 hours
Serves 4 

What you'd need to make this yummy dessert

For the base
1 pack of digestive biscuits- I have used Mc Vities digestive biscuits
3 tablespoon melted Butter

For the filling
1 Can of condensed milk (I've used a Nestle Milkmaid can)
2 Ripe bananas

For the topping

200 grams fresh cream-I used Amul Fresh cream
1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
2 tablespoon Icing sugar (vary as per your taste )

Few hours before you plan to make the banoffee pie put a closed can of condensed milk for boiling for about 2-3 hours. Make sure the can is completely submerged in water while it is being boiled.You can do this the previous evening and this stores well in the fridge for a few days.

Next Crumble the biscuits in a bowl, do not powder the biscuits too finely, coz we need a crumbly texture.

Melt the butter, you can do this in the microwave by heating the butter for 20-30 seconds.

Next add the melted butter to the crumbled biscuits and mix well.

Once the biscuit and butter mix is ready, use your hand to gently press it down on the bowl and create a base for the dessert.Put this in the freezer for next 20 mins

After the condensed milk can has boiled-carefully open the can & Voila you have your delicious toffee ready! This is super tasty on its own ;)

Take out the biscuit base we've prepared earlier and slather on the yummy toffee on the entire biscuit case, careful not to damage the biscuit base.Coat the entire biscuit base in the bowl.

Next slice up the bananas and arrange carefully on the entire toffee base.

Well this step is unnecessary but as I'm feeling truly decadent I slather on some more toffee on top of the bananas. Set this in the freezer while we move on to the next step.

In another bowl empty out the fresh cream and add a generous dash of vanilla extract. Add icing sugar to the mix and whisk it till the cream becomes nice and thick. Do not over whisk it else the cream will separate and form butter.
Lastly add the whipped cream on top of the banana toffee mix and set in the freezer.

Garnish with some grated chocolate, chocolate tuile or candied cherries and serve chilled.

what next? Time to dig in to this delicious dessert! Yummmm....

p.s.- this was my first time making this pie ;)

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  1. i have heard about dis easy to make pie bt never knew we call it Banoffee Pie! will try it soon. it luks yummy n delicious

    1. Yes it's sinfully delicious, do try it out and let me know how it turned out :)

  2. it looks like a black forest banana cake! it really doesn't look like ur first try pooja. keep posting more such stuff...i might get inspired one day!

    1. LOL black forest banana cake!! That's really an awesome name ;) if u do get inspired to try it out do tell how it turned out :)

  3. I never knew toffee can be made from condensed milk..this looks so yum even though I am not a fan of bananas I would love to have it :D

    1. Yeas dearie everyday we learn something new, try it out is really amazing that toffee is great on its own or can be used in many different ways, wud be yum on a pancake or a waffle or as an icecream topping too!

  4. I should stay away from this space. First all those yummy desserts at TBS event. At least I consoled myself with that fact that I cannot definitely go out and buy pastries and truffles like those everyday.
    Now you have to come up with a recipe that looks super yummy and can be easily made at home. So, no excuse for not trying it out.
    Are you conspiring against my weight-loss plans?

    The dessert looks seriously deliciious and guess what, I have never had a pie becasue they never tempted me enough. Looks like my journey would start with a home-made one.
    Hahaha. Lucky man. Everytime he wishes to eat something sp, he can pretend to impose a ban on your makeup shopping. What say?

    1. LOL weight loss plans are meant to be broken so u can plan afresh! ;) do try it out it's dupe easy and seriously delicious!

  5. my god...i can't believe this is so easy to make..this is one of my fav, Big Chill deserts!! :) :)

    1. Same pinch!! It's my favourite Big chill dessert too! That gooey toffee mmm it's delish! Do try & tell me how it turned out :)

  6. OMG!!! This looks soooo heavenly!! I love that this is egg free something that looks so easy that I can attempt to make.
    one Q though: u mean put the milkmaid in a vessel of water and boil the vessel for 2- 3 hours?

    1. Yo Kejal this is really delicious , that smooth sticky toffee is divine :) yes to make the toffee you just take a sealed can of milkmaid condensed milk and without opening the can put the entire can in water (in a larger vessel) and boil for 2.5-3 hours. (do not put this in pressure cooker though) once the can has cooled down open it and you'll have toffee ready for use :D

  7. that looks amazing....and I am sure it tastes way better than it looks...
    looking forward to the other Sunday food fiesta recipes :)

  8. What a delicious pie!! trying this next weekend!
