
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Blue and Gold Nails of the day and 5 Things I learned today about Nail art

Hey Girlies! Hope you are having a rocking weekend!! Delhi heat is scorching right now and I'm down with a mild heat stroke.So grounded and home bound I was up to some pretty random nail art today. After 5 different botched Nail art attempts, I got seriously bored and decided to do this Blue & Gold Nail of the day using sponging technique.

I didn't have a gold polish so I decided to play with some gold pigment and mixed it with clear polish and voila-There you have it bright gold polish!!

5 Things I learned today about Nail art

1.They don't call it Art for nothing, Nail Art is  seriously tricky business.

2.Don't trust your favorite Nail Art Guru -when they tell you "this mani is easy peasy & I did it in a jiffy" it takes some serious time to get a mani right.Leave it to the pros ;)

3.Dark blue polish will stain your nails and your skin, any random dark polish will also stain. No they don't write that on the nail polish bottle!! They should don't you think?

4.Transparent polish+Loose eyeshadow pigment=Funky polish,though say goodbye to your clear polish's brush,it will never be transparent again.

5.Nail art is a royal pain the behind, but I sure am hooked & will be trying out some more :D

XOXO Girls, stay in the shade & drink plenty of H2O


  1. Nice idea to mix clear polish with loose pigments :) And also the 5 things that you learned and shared abt nail art is awesome gyan! Looking forward to more such arts :)

    1. Thanks Shruthi! More nail art and pearls of wisdom coming right up ;)

  2. nice nail the 5 things...:)

  3. Oh thank god there is someone that shares my sentiments about nail art...all the pros say its easy and I am like am I the only duffer in the entire world who does can't do nail art at all..great post and I really like nail art.

    1. I feel you sista! If you thought nail art was tough try doing it on you right hand OMG I feel Like a monkey wielding a polish brush :D

  4. Awww! Hun...I really appreciate the efforts to put to learn nail art. Ok see its not easy..It comes with a bit of practice..jus like ur eye make up.
    Not all dark polishes stain..most dont. But yes u will get a few which suck.
    and This combo is wow! if u never told me i wudnt know u made a franken polish :p
