
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

7 things your Makeup Sales Assoicate is not telling you?

We have all shared a love-hate relationship with our Makeup SAs- some SAs you'd avoid like plague and yet there are others whose helpful demeanor and friendly smile makes you buy tons more than you had planned.
But do you know what is your Makeup SA not telling you?

1.There is a promotional offer / 'Gift with purchase' on what you are buying- Most Drugstore SA's would not disclose a promotional offer, discount , free gift with purchase (GWP) or free product samples unless asked. So before you get your items billed always ask if there is an ongoing promotion.

2.The shade is so wrong for you!- I'm selling it because those are the only shades in stock / I'm selling you a light foundation shade because " I  think you want your foundation to make you fairer."
Use your judgement and when buying foundations and lipsticks, go out and check the swatch in natural light before committing to the purchase.If it doesn't feel right don't be afraid to walk away.

3.The product is so last season / nearing its Best-before date- Most stores stock and sell their inventories on FIFO-First in first out basis, meaning the oldest stock will be sold first. Makeup is no different, if your SA has handed you a shade form last season's stock or nearing expiry always check and ask for fresher / freshest stock possible.

4.I know less about the products than you do!-I'm a newbie in the store and I don't know much about the product-Ingredients list Hello what is that ?

If you are dealing with a Rookie SA, be kind and ask is a senior SA can help you out. If not then unless you are pretty sure you can find what you are looking for I'd suggest you try some other store .

5.The Free Make-over is not free!-There are no Free lunches and there are no free makeover. Most SA work on a salary + commission basis and when they give you a 'Free' makeover they are investing their time and effort hoping to close a sale. If you are opting for a 'Free makeover'- then be specific about which products you'd like to try, make it worth both your time and if you do like something go ahead & buy. If not then don't feel pressured to buy something just because the SA applied some makeup on your face.Know when to walk away from products / shades that don't suit you. 
Either ways remember to thank the SA / MUA for her effort.

6.Experts wearing Lab Coats and toting charts are not licensed Cosmetologist.
This is a new trend that some of you might have spotted in Indian departmental store makeup counters- SAs' donning white lab coats and carrying skin analysis reports and charts. Well this is a marketing tool, these are well trained, well groomed SAs and not estheticians / Cosmetologist.
Nothing wrong in shopping from these chaps, but when they start giving you Gyan on flushing free radicals from your body using anti oxidants in their creams, you know its time to head for the door :P

7. They decide on what to sell you basis what you are wearing- yes clothes and makeup included! Yes harsh but true- know you will be judged and the SA would try to ascertain your requirement, your paying ability and what you might buy basis your dress and makeup. 
Nothing seriously wrong there as (s)he is trying to do basic customer profiling before pitching you the product(s). Looking well groomed & well dressed, while shopping never hurt anyone so polish up Ladies !

P.S.- I know front-line Sales is a very tough job & I mean no disrespect for the hardworking Makeup SA's.Most of these shortcomings is a training issue from the company's end & can be easily fixed, however as a customer its important you know of these pitfalls and Shop Smart!

So what other trade secrets have you uncovered in your experience with the Makeup SAs? Comment & Tell


  1. Hello to everyone,
    I am new to to blog world..had horrible exp so just wanted to share with u al..

  2. LOL I loved reading this! This is all sooo true!

    1. :D ha ha all pearls of wisdom gathered on my own shopping expeditions! LOL

  3. kolkata SAs are pathetic! they are always ready to rob you off your money and make you buy wrong stuff..i hate them! i got cheated many times in the past..once an SA tried to sell me a brown lip liner pencil saying that its an eye pencil!! i usually dont buy makeup on impulse. whenever i feel like i need to buy something(i buy makeup v v rarely) i do a detailed research on that product on net and then i go shopping so that they can't fool me..well, they look so surprised when they realise that i've entered the shop well informed and they cant fool me..i lovvvee that freaked out look on their face.. :D :P

    1. Ha ha same here-have had SAs try & peddle me eyeliners as lip liner and vice versa! LOL

    2. completely agree with u...they force u for everything wrong....

    3. Yes thanks to the slew of beauty blogs it's so much easier to know what will work and what wont

  4. True, every point is true. Especially the 7th point. I have had my own personal experiences.

    1. Yup I've experienced it too! Usually if it's a clueless SA trying to figure out my requirement or what I'd like to buy I don't mind, but some of those catty SA's who try gone condescending-I make sure they never get my business!

  5. And another thing, there are SA who start talking only AFTER u have picked few stuffs from them. Only then they start talking abt new products, shades that might suit you......*cough*colorbar*cough*

    BTW best drugstore SA - The one at the maybelline counter at NewU, CSM, Noida.....she always tells abt the deals, never forces, recommends the perfect things when asked for...

    1. Oh yeah I have experienced the same poor customer service in most flagship makeup stores in select city walk, I have stopped shopping from select now. Yes new u SA's are pretty decent and even the SAs in inglot pacific mall, faces at Moment mall and MAC shoppers stop VK and ambiance gurgaon are good

    2. yeo agree with you on the maybelline girl at newU in CSM!shes sweet!

    3. @Ankita - u too shop from there? then how come we never bumped into each other?

  6. @IBC: Pooja I dunno about the MAC SAs in VK (going there tomorrow) but the ones at Ambience Gurgaon were pathetic.I was hustled from one to another to a third SA just to figure out one shade of foundation.bad experience.
    But contrary to everyone's opinion (and my own!)the Inglot SAs at DLF Promenade VK were really nice!
    Companies should really realise how much our buying depends on nice and informed SAs.They would train them better then!

    1. Couldn't agree more with you on importance of training SAs well. If u r going to VK then go to MAC outlet in shopper stop in ambiance mall , look for Ranadeep he is a very courteous and helpful chap. MAC at promenade mall in VK though better stocked ain't as great on service. Even I like inglot SA in promenade

  7. I so so agree with each and every point...Last weekend I went to the Maybelline counter and the SA there was trying to see the new foundations to two girls One was fair and the other was dark but the SA somehow managed to convince them to get the same foundation shade..such cheap tactics..I will remember never to go to that counter again for sure..

  8. ♥ the post!!

  9. I agree with them all! Esp the first one - always ask for what free offers they have, and always ask them this before you make your purchase & the bill is drafted.

    Another tip: Most SAs may be very good people, but they tend to be ignorant at times. Trying to educate/correct them is not really a good option. Ignore their stupidities, ask for what you need & move on. I have had a MAC Store Manager also try to mislead me. I wanted a paint pot that was permanent, but she was more interested selling off the color base in their LE at that time. It didn't matter that the PP I needed was pale beige & the base was a dark brown. I just took the pan from her, pretending to be interested in trying it out and went looking for another SA to deal with.

  10. I agree with all the points! Point 4 is especially true & it also applies to seasoned SAs. Since I read so many beauty blogs I usually know more about the product than the SA!
    Another point to add is to take everything they say with a huge fistful of salt. They say things to make a sale based on their opinion of you - if you have pimples they'll say that this product will get rid of them; if you're dark they'll say that the product will make you fair, etc, etc. I speak from experience!

  11. BTW, thanks for asking about my job. I'm undergoing a training course & it's going well.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. when i went to maybelline counter to buy BB cream, she told me nude is the lightest color and natural is the darkest color.. when i corrected her saying it's vice versa.. she exactly told me your point no.4.. how can they appoint a SA who doesn't even have any knowledge about the shades.. horrible..

  14. hey nice post!! All of it is true! I hav experienced most of this :)
    Once an SA tried a light foundation...way too off..and kept rubbing it till it almost wiped off and said "see it matches u soo perfect"! :O I got a bit stumped and i said lemme try and I jus put a dot near whr she put and it was atleast 3 shades lighter :D

  15. so true... i hate hate hate the white coats...whats with them duhhhhhhhhh????????? who are u trying to fool...and some of the coats looks so dirty :)
    SAs never tell u about promotions..they just take stuff home..
    and read in some blog about people opening bottles and trying everything on themselves/friends etc..topping off nailpaints with remover..lots of stuff happens..

  16. i have to say this is, according to me, the best post on your blog - it's the kind of stuff everyone should know about. Regarding point 4, what's WORST is when they pretend they know more than you do!

  17. I used to think MAC Bangalore had the best SAs, but I have had a great and an awful experience at the same store with two different assistants.

    2-3 years ago there was a Parsi lady who was simply amazing and had a true love for (and knowledge of) cosmetics. She told me what to buy and what NOT to buy from MAC. One awesome tip she shared was to always use brushes versus fingers to extend the shelf life of cosmetics, specially powder based ones, and I was looking for brushes - but she did not pressure me to buy MAC brushes, in fact only suggested 2-3 really good brushes and said other brushes drugstore variety was good enough. (even though the shop was well stocked with brushes.) I was impressed with her and went back to take make-up lessons from her just before my wedding - I did my own make up on my wedding day and my friends said I looked fab!

    Recently though, my experience was a bit bad. And it totally syncs with point 7 - I had injured my ankle so was walking about on crutches, and also happened to be wearing a sober salwar. I wanted to buy a few skin products and some bright and I mean BRIGHT shadows (yellows and oranges). This silly sales girl kept showing me all types of sober yellow shades even thought I insisted on a specific color. (I then realised she was tryin to get rid of old stock) . She even had the audacity to say "Are you sure? this bright? I mean it does not go with your clothes" . (I was very tempted to squash her toe with my crutches). Eventually she gave up her case, took my number and said she would call me when new stocks arrive. To show my seriousness I even bought a few skin products.

    It has been three months and I have still not got a call or update from MAC. I hope this girl's pockmarks increase with each customer she tries to dupe.

    And I miss the Parsi lady who has left MAC Bangalore, if anyone knows her name - I would love to connect with her - wherever she is.
