
Sunday, February 19, 2012

My lipstick haul from New Beauty Center, Khar Mumbai

Few months back (5 to be precise) Tanveer (from Addicted to blush) did a post about a seemingly magical Beauty store-called New Beauty center (in Khar S.V. Road) Mumbai. Apparently this is the Mecca of Makeup lovers in Mumbai. Go read Tanveer's detailed review here-Places to Shop: New Beauty Centre (Khar)

It totally piqued my interest & I added it to my Mumbai To do check List.I went to Mumbai many times since October but never really got time to go shopping, but this time I had a long(ish) stay and my hotel was literally stone throw distance from this store,so I decided to haul some makeup from NBC.

Day 1 Sunday 6.00 pm-I went from the airport straight to the shop-& guess what-Shop closed! Dang what a bummer! Apparently stores in this area are closed on Sunday...Never mind I decided to catch up with friends & went to Colaba, Fort and Gateway of India to do general stuck in jams due to Kala Ghoda festival and then feasted on some awesome Chinese at All Stir Fry The Gordon House Hotel Restaurants in Colaba..after that went to a nice patisserie for dessert (sorry can't remember the name), so the good food uplifted my mood slightly.

Day 2- Monday- I rushed in to the store at 8.20 pm and felt like a kid in candy store-I ogled at the NYX counter -I mean the entire range of NYX stuff which till now I had to buy by guesstimating the shade online was-here right in front of me.Boots, Bath and Body works,Body Shop and all my beloved brands were were right there. Was this place for real???- while I looked around in daze I spotted Jordana,VOV,Chambor,Faces,Colorbar,Lotus,Lakme,Max Factor, Revlon,Streetwear.. and then some more I don't remember the names of....
The energy was crackling in the store!The place was brimming with girls,their moms and ladies of all stripes with a maddening zeal for makeup.... it was a task just to check out products with such incredible rush.All makeup counters had discounts on the retail prices ranging between 10%-30%

While I swatched a few brands and hunted around for some shades on my wish list, I just managed to pick up 1 lipstick and suddenly I realized all the counters were closing and the SAs were filing out of the store!! 
I asked around and was told- Sorry Ma'am closing time! Out came a silent scream 'Nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiin aisa nahi ho sakta!' I felt like Tragedy Queen-crestfallen and heartbroken I headed back to my hotel :(

Day 3-I reached Khar at 8.50 pm- Shop closed!! Oh-my! I get enough exercise just pushing my-luck! :(

Day 4- With a missionary zeal,determined to make it anyhow to New Beauty center before closing time, I wrapped up work quickly and rushed back and reached by 8 pm- Voila! store was open and had sparse crowd-I went on a swatch fest. So finally managed to snag 3 more lippies and some nail enamels (sorry couldn't find it when I photographed rest of my haul)

I can honestly tell you this is one of the best places I have shopped for makeup in India.The collection of such wide variety of Indian and International brands, all under one roof, very helpful (& non pushy) SAs,great discounts,fresh stock and the energy of the place are thrilling!

Here's some of the stuff I snagged.[Btw I'm feeling like Cat that ate the canary- I've bought 10 lipsticks in under 14 days this month! Maximum number of lipsticks I have ever bought!!Gosh this is more than my entire lipstick collection! Z-O-M-G!! I've a 2nd trip to Mumbai coming up next week & at this rate I'll be going bust! I need to stay away from NBC this time round)

Here's just a sneak peek of the Faces lipsticks I got, detailed review and lip swatches coming up soon.

Overall Recco- If you are a makeup lover in Mumbai, there is no way you can miss this store. Definite must visit, best visited with your gal pals.


  1. I love the swatches! great pictures!
    I love seeing fellow desi fashion bloggers here!
    Followed! Please follow back!


    1. Thanks, glad you enjoyed the swatches. Following you now!

  2. Great swatches. Those are some lovely colors.

  3. Loved the haul. I wish something like this should come to hyderabad too....

    1. Oh yes, add Delhi to the list, I'm a bit bored of the malls now and a dedicated girlie makeup joint, is just what the doctor ordered!

  4. I have heard so many things about this sounds amazing ...the lipstick swatches look amazing

    1. Thanks Parul, yes NBC is super fun place to shop for tons of makeup. Will be posting detailed reviews with swatches soon :)

  5. Phew! After all that you did manage to get stuff. I went to mumbai late last year, but we were there only for less than 48 hours & had other stuff (visiting people) to do. So I didn't get to visit NBC or even colaba causeway :( But I did go to fashion street, so it wasn't a total loss.

    1. Oh yes Pookhie, I went shopping like a woman possessed! I didn't get a chance to check out Colaba causeway. Cafe Mondega and colaba shopping is next on my agenda!

  6. Loved this post..the pics are so professional & you've described the store in detail. I shop a lot from there :)

    1. Thanks Gauri,so happy you liked the pics. Lucky girl you frequent NBC! Me turning green with envy now!! :D

  7. Hey! Thanks so much for the link love dear! Am so glad u managed to find time to visit this store & shop! I love the feel of the store myself - so much makeup every where :D

    1. Thanks a tons Tanz, if it wasn't for your post I'd have never known about this place. And NBC is like a makeup treasure chest-loved shopping there :)

  8. Omg omg omg omg I'm soooo kicking myself for not going there.. Was in Bombay just last week for a wedding... Aaaarrrgggghhhh... Damn! Anyway I will live vicariously through your post... Ooo and these lipsticks look yummy...waiting for the detailed posts... :)

    1. Awww. Nitya don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure there'll be a trip to Mumbai coming up soon for you to shop at NBC! Trust me it took me all the self restraint in the world for me to just stop at 4 lippies! Review & swatches coming up soon, stay tuned!

  9. Nice haul!! I wanna see the nps too!!! I live close by to that place :D

  10. I love these shades. Great blog xx Im following xx

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