
Friday, November 25, 2011


Hey Girls, today's our Wedding Anniversary and I'm in cloud number 9. I just wanted to show you guys some amazing Wedding Anniversary Gifts I've got!

The first Gift is from my parents who gifted me an Apple I Pad 3G!!!! Yeah yippee yay! As Mr. Barney Stintson would say this is 'Legen' wait for it 'Dary' So I basically need to get a cover and 3G connection first before I can get this baby going. But this is a mind-blowing gift. Thank You Mommy & Daddy! Big hug  :)

Apple I Pad Wifi +3G

Its still in its packaging I'm yet to find a cover for it , knowing my butter fingers I'm super scared of taking it out yet, its very delicate & light and I drop basically everything!

The second gift ,is a joint venture-Hubby & I self sponsored this anniversary gift for ourselves.

Canon Powershot SX30 IS 

I wanted a camera which would get me good picture quality,I especially that the colors of makeup swatches should look like as they do in real life.I wanted a non-complicated point & shoot camera but ultimately finalised on the Canon Powershot SX 30.This cost around INR 25,000/-, it was much higher than the  budget we'd initially planned for the camera, but eventually we decided its better to invest in a cam that would work well for next at least 4-5 yrs.
I do find it technically overwhelming but the image quality is amazing.Honestly I'm yet to even go through the user manual & learn the basics, right now I'm just bumbling around with it.The display screen swivels open on the sides and I can actually see the image as I click it, so I'm able to click better lip swatch & eye makeups with it..

So here's the sum up of  our Wedding anniversary gifts! We've taken a day off to celebrate together,Hubby dear is taking me to watch Twilight movie-Breaking Dawn (ahem ahem,he knows I find Mr. Edward Cullen totally dishy !) and some shopping and a nice fancy schmancy dinner.

I'm totally ecstatic today,so I'm off to have a super fun filled day with my Man.

You guys take care & have a great day!


  1. congratulation sweety! have the best time today! i loved all the gifts, soo good and you said right thing swatches should look as they look in real, me going to buy a cam soon for that so tht i can post all precise actual pics of shades! <3

  2. congrats..let tis happiness & luv b filled n ur life forever...
    god bless!!!

  3. Congrats...I waaaaaaaaaaaaantss tat is beautiful. I am stuck with this horrible Fuji camera. Anyways enjoy your special day and take loads of pics with your Canon. I am going to show my husband this post;) Need to give him some ideas:)

  4. Awesome presents.. I'd def be the kind of person who gets a camera along with my hubby for an anniversary present for ourselves!

  5. Congratulations to both of you...
    Wish you a very happy Marriage anniversary...loads of love and luck for your future.....
    n m totally goin gaga over ur gifts,ur so lucky :D ahaha
    Keep Smiling

  6. Belated wishes Girl! Hope you had fun :D

  7. Amazing!!! Parents are the best are'nt they?! Happy Anniversary!

  8. woa..awesome gifts pooja..enjoyyy :)

  9. Hey congratulations Pooja on you anniversary!!

  10. Thanks guys, for all your good wishes & great messages. Thanks from the bottom of my heart :D

  11. Congratulations Babes!

    Amazing gifts! :D
