
Saturday, November 5, 2011


Pantene had recently launched their Total Damage Care Shampoo & Conditioner range,it promises to fight 7 signs of damaged hair-split ends,dry,rough,dull,weak,brittle tangles.

Pantene conducted a Bloggers Meet in Mumbai  and I was sent the shampoo & conditioner to try and share the review with you guys.So I got upon the task at hand with full gusto. I decided to try the product for 12 days and then do a detailed review about my experience with these babies.

A bit of flashback-I've been using Pantene Shampoo & conditioners (Hair Fall control-pink bottle ones) for over a decade. I do keep switching to other brands every now and then, when my hair starts acting up but always return to Pantene eventually.
My hair is straight, fine & silky.I shampoo & condition my hair daily.
My hair is generally fuss free but of late I've been experiencing quite a lot of hair fall (not hair breakage), but its more to do with weather change & my own lifestyle rather than shampoo /conditioner.
Past few months I had stopped using Pantene Hair fall control shampoo, because I felt my hair was turning frizzy with it.

Fast forward to present-I tried out Pantene Total Damage Care shampoo & conditioner with lot of optimism, hoping for the frizziness to stop.
Shampoo Test Result- Total Damage Shampoo- No improvement, it made my hair frizzy,exactly the same result I was getting with Pantene Hair Fall control shampoo.

So I decided to do a comparative analysis between the two variants of Pantene shampoo.

Product Packaging- Exactly same, except for color changes.
Fragrance-Total damage control has much better fragrance & it lingers on for a long while.
Texture- Both variants have same pearly white texture
Price and weight-The Hair fall control costs INR 117/- for 200 ml, Total Damage Care shampoo costs INR 117/- for 180 ml.Note the bottle sizes are exactly same, the quantity in newer variant is lesser by 20 Ml.

Left-Hair Fall control shampoo, Right- Total damage care.

Ingredients- I've posted pics of ingredient list below as mentioned on both the bottles. I couldn't spot any difference in the ingredient list... (now I have a sneaky feeling, that its old wine in new bottle)
Top image- Total Damage care shampoo

Below image- Hair fall control shampoo

Conditioner Test Result-Total Damage Conditioner-worked well on my hair.My hair turns limp with a very thick conditioner, but this one works beautifully.

Product Packaging- Exactly same, except for color changes.
Fragrance-Total damage control has much better fragrance.
Texture- Both variants have same white thick gel like texture.
Price and weight-The Hair fall control conditioner costs INR 59/- for 90 ml, Total Damage Care conditioner costs INR 59/- for 80 ml.Note the bottle sizes are exactly same, the quantity in newer variant is lesser by 10 Ml.
Ingredients- I've posted ingredient list below as mentioned on both the bottles. I could spot one different ingredient between the two bottles, called Geraniol

Overall thoughts- I'm not too happy with the Total Damage care shampoo,as it didn't improve frizziness or hair fall I'd been experiencing ,but I like the conditioner and would purchase.

Have you used Pantene Total Damage care shampoo & conditioner? What's your experience?


  1. love the details you go into for your blog. keep it up :)

  2. Blue- Thanks a lot dear, I myself value honest feedback and would like to get most in-depth and accurate info to my readers. Really appreciate your support :)

  3. I have many split ends. Will the "TOTAL DAMAGE CARE " work on my hair.

    1. Hi Priyanshi, once the hair shaft is damaged and has split ends no shampoo or conditioner can treat it,best solution is to go for a good hair trim,improve your diet and take vitamin supplements if needed.also avoid tight hair bands,avoid vigorous hair brushing,cover your hair if it's windy.oil your hair before shampooing,use conditioner and use only a detailing comb on wet hair,never brush wet hair as it will cause your hair to split. Hope this belps
