
Thursday, November 10, 2011


TV's style quotient reached its pinnacle with Sex and the City,we lapped up Carrie Bradshaw's quirky free- spirited fashion and we could never have enough of the fabulous dresses & Cosmopolitans.
When Carrie tried out the Vivienne Westwood wedding dress,the dress was described " it could bring a wedding tear from even the most unbelieving of women" Oh & it did ,yours truly did shed tear at how breathtakingly romantic the dress was!

So you can well imagine what a huge fashion void filled my life when SATC wrapped up & the movie & its sequels were far and few in between. The syle relief came from Gossip Girls's IT GIRL- Blake Lively a.k.a. upper East side's  princess Serena Van Der Woodsen.

To me both Sarah Jessica Parker & Blake Lively personify chic & effortless glam,these It girls separated at birth (if you ignore the decades between them!) not only re-defied fashion & style on the idiot box they seem to be style sisters
So here are some of pics I put together of both stars, have a look & tell me,do you think they both share the same expressionist fashion sense?

If SATC is ever to be re-made with younger star cast, I guess Carrie stylish free spirit will find a great muse in Blake Lively.
What do you think? If you like this post then comment & share :)


  1. Great observation skills! I never noticed how similar their style is until now. Blake Lively looked especially pretty in the bridal dress pic!

  2. Ha haha :) :) Nice to read.. Pictures are awesome!!

    Lancy recently posted..Ponds Moisturizing cold cream review and It's skin Benefits
    :) :)

  3. WOW! You have a good eye for details. Searching for these pics must have taken ages. They do have plenty of similarities in style

  4. hey yess.s..I can very well see the similar fashion styles !! : )

  5. Hey! :) saw your blog thru your post on Mehak's Peaches&Blush and Im glad, loved so many of your posts :)
    n this one, soo true, hadnt thought of it and even though I am a total SJP loyalist, Blake Lively does have a similar style, or is she just wearing those styles after SJP's worn them? ;)

  6. @ Penelope- Thanks :) Yes that white wedding dress pic- Blake looks smashing in it!

    @ Lancy Thanks dear, glad you enjoyed these :)

    @Poohkie- Oh yes sweetheart, the pics did forever to put together, but it was well worth it.Your mail asking for more celeb posts, well that truly got me going :)

  7. @Nitika- Yup, fashion repeats itself and Blake's surely feeling inspired by SJP :D

  8. @Keerti- Hey :) welcome to my blog, so glad you enjoyed it,we should thank Mehak for sharing my post on her blog with super sporty & enthusiastic readers like you :D
    My thoughts on their similar style- well celebs are extremely well packaged & well marketed brands.Often what they wear is not a matter of personal choice but their PR,stylists, brands they are associated with etc etc.. so while yes they seem to have turned up in too many similar outfits, I dunno if it was unintentional on Blake's part or part of a larger marketing plan?!
    At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist,there's been news of casting for 'The Carrie Diaries' supposedly a TV series prequel to SATC with younger star cast being developed by non other than producers of 'Gossip Girl'.It could be to showcase Blake as a worthy heir to Carrie legacy..what do you think?

  9. Hahaa enthusiastic is right ;) thanks Mehak!
    Ooh that series sounds so interesting n then toh she's a definite shoo-in for the role, she's got my vote! :)
