
Sunday, October 2, 2011



I had always envied my husband’s skin. He has an oily skin. My dry skin has been troubling, particularly during the winter season. While I consumed several units of the moisturizer, he was comfortable without applying any. But then, some constant complains of his made me realize the significance of my skin type.

Know your skin a little
Individuals have their unique skin types. It is important to identify your skin type before working on it. You may not want to harm it in your attempt to benefit it. Oily skin typically has shininess, but there are blemishes and pimples. If you have oily skin, you are the gifted one by being less prone to wrinkling or other signs of aging. The oil in your skin helps to keep the moisture locked in. But the blackheads and building up of dead cells on skin surface can be troubling. Oily skin is also prone to development of visible pores. Anyone can have an oily skin, regardless of age, gender or place. You may have such skin type by birth. Many others experience an increase in oily characteristic at certain stages in their life, such as during the teenage. Women facing menopause or who are pregnant are especially susceptible to have one.
Working with an oily skin type essentially deals with removing the excess sebum from skin surface. You should, however, be careful not to remove the skin lipids completely. Proper skin hygiene is vital for all because an unclean skin allows the development of pathogenic organisms. By washing away, you can allow the skin to function well. Dirty skin is more susceptible to have infection.
Working with your oily skin
1. Sunlight, water and air have a significant role in keeping the skin healthy. Exposure to smoke and excessive heat and humidity should be avoided.
2. Diet can make much difference to your skin. It works inside your body to give lasting effects. You need not be an expert with your diet. Simply avoid the kinds of food which can harm your skin. Lemon and kiwifruit have been found to contribute to clear skin. Deficiency of the vitamins B5 and B2 also cause skin to be oily. Eat more food items like nuts, beans and whole grains, which have abundant of these nutrients. Sugary and starchy food causes insulin levels to rise up, adversely affecting your skin. Insulin can cause your skin to produce more oil. Minimize the consumption of food high in sugar and simple carbohydrates.
3. Avoid severe degreasing. It can encourage more secretion of sebum. Use a natural face cleanser for your oily skin type. It should have a pH in the range 4.5 - 5.5. Gel cleansers are good for oily skin.
4. Use warm (not hot) water to wash your face. Follow it with a cool water rinse. Prefer a mild cleanser. This will reduce any surface irritation and help close your pores. Delaying the recurrence of oil production will ease off your skin woes.
5. Your skin products should contain very little natural oils. Wax or other synthetic lipid agents can enhance your problem. Choose a natural toner. Opt for the ones having lower concentrations of hydroxy acids, which remove dead cells.
6. Gently blot your face using blotting paper or a clean napkin. Gently press on your skin. This will remove oils from your face. Be careful to avoid rubbing. Rubbing will irritate your skin and cause it to quickly become oily again.
7. Certain medications can cause harm or aggravate the oily condition. The birth control pills, several kinds of steroids, etc. can cause trouble to your oily skin. Identifying the oily skin triggers that affect you will enable you to take good skin care. Consult a health care expert if need be.
8. Keep yourself from stress. It can cause hormonal disturbance and stimulate your oil glands to produce more.
9. Accutane can be a prescription for extremely oily skin and bad acne. But do consult your health care expert before trying it. It is a derivative of Vitamin A; but do not misinterpret it as high doses of Vitamin A. There are side effects and pregnant women should essentially keep away from it.
10. Applying a clay mud mask is also helpful. It can reduce oil production and remove impurities. It can also diminish the appearance of large pores. You may go for one mask a week. This mask can be gentle on the skin and a preferable choice over products containing chemicals.

About the author: Kate is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on beauty and fashion. Beside this she is fond of gizmos. She recently wrote an amazing article on natural beauty products at

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