
Thursday, June 16, 2011


So my last post was '10 Tips to get rid of that back pain', it seems like I was tempting trouble with it 'coz the very next morning I took a tumble down a flight of stairs and hurt my back. Thankfully no serious injuries, but I had to take rest to recuperate my achy breaky to cheer me up Dear Hubby decided to let me do some hauling.

I wanted to get some Make-up removing wipes,Face Scrub,Face Pack & Kajal so here's my Mini Haul, the earrings were just an impromptu purchase. I'm going to post all these products in details in my subsequent posts as I've received queries from few readers on Face pack & scrub recommendations. So watch this space for more.

P.S.- Sorry if I missed replying to comments left by you guys

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